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Adobe Creek Homeowners Association, water leak report 02/25/2024

Adobe Creek Homeowners Association - Community Management Services
278 Monroe Dr. Mountain View CA 94040

The story

On February 25, 2024, at 4 p.m., we observed water on the first floor of our property. The water came from our adjacent Unit #18. With the help of another neighbour from Unit #17, we shut off the main water valve for Unit #18 to stop the water flow. The Unit #18 was under remodeling at that time, and the valves were closed because of work on the water pipes inside the unit. Someone from HOA garden workers opened public valve for Unit #18 causing the flooding in the unit that spreaded to the adjacent units.
We received permission from the owner of the the Unit#18 to gain access inside. I shut off the electrical breakers.

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How to Create and enforce Github branch protection rules for Organization. Best Practice

git branches

We are going to enforce the Git Best Practice branch's protection rules and recommendaions for GitHub Organization repositories.

Also we will automate a proces of adding and updating teams and branch protection rules to GitHub Organization repository.

There is the same way to apply branch protection and recommendaions to private (non-organization GitHub repositories but you need to modify the automation scipts). Also some options are not available for non-organization GitHub repositories.





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Joshua Tree National park.

Национальный парк Joshua TreeAnd once again, we make our journrey with friends, to Joshua Tree National Park

We make our way down here every year, on the last weekend of May, so that we can experience the desert heat, rock climb on real rocks, take some time away from work, and spend our time with good people. On this trip, our whole family came, along with Boris, Natasha, Yulia, Victor Zybin, Kirk + Caren, Gina + Steven, Mónica + Nuno, Brian, Maya + Steve (this is so I don't forget). 
What is Joshua Tree National Park? This is a part of the top of the Mojave Desert - a plateau resting at 1200 meters above sea level, with the temperature lower by 5-10 C, than in the lower part of Mojave Desert. 

What is the Mojave Desert. It is a small desert in North America, where many Hollywood movies were filmed. So, if you see a Hollywood movie with a desert, moon, The Martian - then it was in the Mojave Desert, since Los Angeles and Hollywood are only a one hour drive away. Top Gun was also filmed here. 

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Простой способ установить Linux на  NAS-323 и получить все прелести работы прошивки NAS-323 и пакетов Linux одновременно. Далее инструкция.
Ставим последнюю прошивку на NAS-323. Перезагружаем NAS. Заходим на нас устанавливаем статический IP (например В приложении.
Качаем и разархивируем на компютере инсталлер Linux. В приложении.
Копируем по сети файлы linux.tar и fun_plug на первый жесткий диск Volume_1 установленный в NAS-323. Перезагружаем NAS.

Запускаем терминал. Пишем: ssh This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Водим пароль: 12345678

Меняем пароль root: passwd

Изменяем репозиторий: mv /etc/apt/sources.list.d/etch.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lenny.list

nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lenny.list

deb lenny main non-free contrib
deb lenny-backports main contrib non-free
deb-src lenny main contrib non-free


apt-get update
apt-get install debian-archive-keyring

Если получатся ошибка выполняем команды ниже. где
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - ключь

aptitude dist-upgrade

gpg --recv-key --keyserver xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx gpg --export xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | apt-key add -

или так

All gnupg public keys are available with the debian package "debian-archive-keyring".
A "apt-get install debian-archive-keyring" or better "aptitude install debian-archive-keyring" wil do the job.

Hint for adding single gnupg key for package verifying:
"gpg --export --armor $GNUPG-KEYID | apt-key add - "

An examble based on the values in this article:
"gpg --export --armor 55BE302B | apt-key add - "

Fix Perl locale-related problems

If you see the following error when running perl:

perl: warning: Setting locale failed. perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = (unset), LC_ALL = (unset), LANG = "en_GB.UTF-8" are supported and installed on your system. perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").

Then run:

# apt-get instal locales # dpkg-reconfigure locales

(be sure to generate the en_US.UTF-8 locale)


Дальше пробуем опять

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

Перезагрузить и снова
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

Установить необходимые пакеты apt-get install vlan mc rsync


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